Monday, 21 February 2011

Day 2 - lots of walking and an unfortunate accident

Day 2 and I was off out fairly early to go to the bank, do some other stuff and have breakfast in the caff with the newspaper. I hopped onto the bus for town and received a phone call from my young nephew.

I was chatting away merrily until I got up to get off the bus - the next thing I knew the bus had rammed on the anchors and I was flung backwards and landed flat on my back. Fortunately my rear end took the worst of the fall so I wasn't remotely injured, but I was left in a somewhat undignified position not dissimilar to the poor creature in the photograph. A young gentleman offered to help me up, but I refused as I feared I might do the poor lad an injury. I managed to get up, but this little incident showed me that I really do need to get the weight down. It was quite a job getting up from the floor of the bus!

A bit later I had to go to an appointment with a client. The client is about a mile from my office, so I decided to walk it. Unwise, I had forgotten that most of the mile was a steep uphill incline. I did the walk pretty fast as I was running to a timetable and arrived at the client's place pretty puffed out. I did my meeting and then had to walk back to the office. Ever had that horrible feeling that you have bitten off more than you can chew? That was how I felt today.

More walking after the office as I had to do some shopping. I am sure this was all frightfully good for me, but my goodness it was hard work.

In the evening after my dinner (roasted chicken with veg) I had a look at the Atkins Diet Bulletin Board and was delighted to find that a couple of my old cronies were still on there and grumbling because they had to start their diets all over again. The old Bulletin Board is a lifeline.

Knees are still a little swollen, but not looking too bad after today's exertions.

My bed is looking good to me.


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