Saturday, 2 May 2009

The beloved...

...has been doing extremely well on his diet.  He is happily stepping on the scales and seeing the fat melt away.

One is not meant to be competitive about these things, but its rather tough seeing the way that the weight disappears off the male of the species, whereas we women have a much harder time of it.

Nevertheless, I am thrilled to bits for him.  He has been fighting a post-giving-up-smoking weight gain for quite some time and the increase has been getting him down rather, as he has always been a lean kind of guy.  As I have said before, he was a particularly ferocious low fat diet last year and he did not lose anything like he has lost this time..I think he is about 7 kilos down and he loves the food and the choices he can make.  He has a particular passion for blue cheese - which he is indulging to the full!  Sweetheart, I KNOW you like blue cheese, but is it really necessary to have it EVERY day?

I am very very proud of him and as I said to him yesterday - the fact he has found it hard to shed this weight gain is not his fault - it was just the fault of the stupid diet that he was following.

Well done baby!


ps. The feet in the picture do not belong to him, they are some really scary feet I found on the internet!  His are FAR nicer.

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