Monday, 27 April 2009

DAY 14 - Social Event successfully negotiated

Aren't parties a complete nightmare when you are trying to stick to a diet??

I had to go a memorial service today and apart from the church bit there was a reception afterwards which was fraught with danger for the low-carber!  There was not even sausages on sticks which I would have perhaps tried in a pinch.  Also the wine was flowing and waiters and waitresses were circulating waving trayfuls of carbohydrates under my resisting nose.

I kept a glass of fizzy water in my hand and resolutely turned my head away every time the sandwiches, sausage rolls and slices of cake were put in front of me.  It was really HARD - but I gritted my teeth and got on with it.

I ran into a chum who is a retired military man.  He has to wear his old dress uniform on these occasions and he was telling me that he had been on a diet so that he could fit into his tunic.  I asked what sort of diet and he says, 'oh I am low carbing!'  I was a bit surprised as he had a glass of wine in one hand and a sandwich in the other.  I became the voice of his conscience and he laughed like mad as I lectured him on the evils of carbohydrates.  I hope his military training has him prepared for the onslaught of cravings tomorrow - glad I will not be in his shoes!

I slipped away from the event as soon as is decently possible and headed off out to my favourite local church, where I showed my beloved around.  Then went back to the ranch and spent half an hour running up and down the garden with a piece to string to entertain the cat.  He likes it when I am on the Atkins - there are more tasty meaty titbits to scrounge and I have more energy to play with him in the garden.


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